Friday, 9 March 2012

We Unite to Speak Up for Libraries

The Speak Up for Libraries coalition grew from an idea that arose from the  Library Campaigners Conferenceorganised by Voices for the Library and The Library Campaign, which was held in London late October 2011. The idea of a rally and lobby of Parliament was put forward by a library campaigner attending and it was met with resounding support from all those present, including Philip Pullman, who attended and spoke on the day.

The concluding message Philip Pullman delivered in his speech was, 
"I salute everyone who's come here today, everyone who's protesting and demonstrating to save this library or that one, everyone who's devising a way of preserving one of the greatest and the best gifts any society has ever given its seekers after truth, its children, its old people, everyone who is looking for help better to enjoy life or better to endure it; there's nothing more valuable in the war on stupidity than the public library. These are hard times, but you are each guarding a beacon, and based on what I've heard today, I have every confidence that you won't let that beacon go out."

You can read the full transcript of Philip Pullman's speech here. 

The strongest message coming from the conference was that we needed unified action, the need for library campaigners to work collectively and to push for the Secretary of State to intervene. March 13th is our opportunity to speak up for libraries. 

Find out more about the rally and lobby being held on March 13th on the Speak Up for Libraries website at 

You can also follow on twitter at @SpeakUp4Libs. The official hashtag for the March 13th event is #librarieslobby

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